Past Kittens
Check out some of our adorable Rumi Kittens, now in their forever homes.

Blue lynx bicolor female: "Milan" now Kiwi
Sire: USAPurrs Roman of RumiRagdolls
Dam: RW QGC RusticKittens Lia of RumiRagdolls
[Missed Vacations] litter

Seal lynx mitted female: "Chicago" now Rosy
Sire: USAPurrs Roman of RumiRagdolls
Dam: RW QGC Lia of RumiRagdolls
[Baby Bears] litter

Seal bicolor female: "Bo Peep" now Noura
Sire: USAPurrs Roman of RumiRagdolls
Dam: AdorableDolls Heidi of RumiRagdolls
[Toy Story] litter

Blue mitted (w/blaze) female: "Memphis" now Pearl
Sire: USAPurrs Roman of RumiRagdolls
Dam: CH AdorableDolls Havana of RumiRagdolls
[Southern Belles] litter

Blue bicolor male: "Deuce" now Mateo
Sire: USAPurrs Roman of RumiRagdolls
Dam: CH AdorableDolls Vana of RumiRagdolls
[Open Tennis] litter

Seal mitted male: "Toast" now Teddy
Sire: USAPurrs Roman of RumiRagdolls
Dam: CH AdorableDolls Havana of RumiRagdolls
[Bread Basket] litter

Seal bicolor male: "King" now Remi
Sire: USAPurrs Roman of RumiRagdolls
Dam: MaroonBlue Serena of RumiRagdolls
[Many Mushrooms] litter

Blue bicolor male: "Dollop" now Winston
Sire: USAPurrs Roman of RumiRagdolls
Dam: AdorableDolls Heidi of RumiRagdolls
[Just a Little] litter